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Rubber Threads in Indonesia: Background, Trends and Challenges

As an archipelago nation, Indonesia boasts a rich history as a major producer of natural rubber. The country boasts vast plantations dedicated to rubber trees spread across the Sumatra island, parts of Java, and Kalimantan. As of 2023, the Ministry of Trade has noted a significant 59.53% increase in rubber exports volume consisting of natural rubber, processed rubber, and other rubber products. Among these, rubber products (i.e. tires, automotive and industrial rubber, general rubber products, etc.) have quickly become the top rubber export commodity, totaling up to 46.49% in 2023.

A closeup shot of rubber elastics piled on top of each other

Natural rubber (also known as latex) has also recently witnessed a significant shift in production and utilization. Made from latex, rubber threads are produced by subjecting natural rubber to a series of processes that result in thin, elastic strands. These threads possess valuable properties such as high strength, elasticity, and resistance to abrasion — making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

Growing Trends

There is a growing global interest and demand for rubber threads across various industries, including textiles, apparel, footwear, and automotive components. More and more manufacturers are keen on using lightweight, durable and comfortable materials for their products. Additionally, technological advancements in rubber thread production technology has made it possible to create higher quality and more versatile threads.

Compared to its synthetic counterparts, natural rubber threads offer a cost-effective solution for many applications. This is a significant advantage for manufacturers in Indonesia, where natural rubber is readily available.

Challenges for rubber threads in Indonesia

Despite the positive trends, the Indonesian rubber thread industry currently face certain challenges, such as:

  • Fluctuating Rubber Prices: The global price of natural rubber can fluctuate significantly, impacting the profitability of Indonesian producers.

  • Competition: Indonesia faces stiff competition from other rubber thread producing countries, particularly Thailand and Vietnam. These countries are investing heavily in improving their production capacities and capabilities.

  • Sustainability Concerns: The rubber industry has come under scrutiny for its environmental impact, particularly deforestation to make way for new plantations. Sustainable rubber production practices are crucial for the long-term viability of the industry.

A closeup of individual threads that make up an elastic band

Omnimax by PT Cilatexindo Graha Alam is one of the country’s long-standing and established rubber thread producers who has been actively meeting domestic and international rubber thread demands and selling them since 1991. Omnimax focuses on making fine-count rubber threads that can be transformed into various end products, such as socks, stockings, spandex, bungee jumping ropes, furniture, and food-grade packaging. The company has consistently produced 90 and 110 count rubber threads in order to stay on top of their game and produce consistent high quality products.

The Indonesian rubber thread industry presents a promising opportunity for growth and economic development. By capitalizing on the current trends, addressing the existing challenges, and embracing sustainable practices, Indonesia can solidify its position as a leading producer of high-quality rubber threads in the global market. As one of the leading companies in the industry, Omnimax has the opportunity to expand its export destinations to more than just Southeast Asia and its surrounding countries.

For more information on Omnimax’s fine count rubber threads and export opportunities, visit Omnimax by PT Cilatexindo Graha Alam ( today and get the latest offer on their prices.


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